Academic Coursework
Master of Environmental Studies (MES)| The Evergreen State College | Expected June 2025
- Published capstone undergraduate research on forest restoration and effects on soil carbon in Forests by MDPI.
- Trained with interdisciplinary research techniques in tree physiology, forest ecology, simulation modeling, and coupled socioecological systems.
- Advanced computational ecology skills using various software including GIS (ESRI Suite, GoogleEE), data visualization, manipulation, and statistical analysis (R, JMP), and several open-source tools developed by the USFS (iTree, FVS, LANDIS).
- Collaborated with educators and non-profit organizations (Tacoma Tree Foundation) to teach field ecology skills to high school students and facilitate community workshops on urban forest management and residential tree care.
- Presented graduate research on size-related differences in tree sap flux density at the Ecological Society of America conference in Long Beach, CA.
Bachelor of Science Degree | The Evergreen State College | Computational Ecology | June 2023
- Developed field skills using Dynamax, Inc. and Campbell Scientific Instruments including autonomous sensors, dataloggers, and weather stations.
- Presented graduate research on seasonal differences in tree sap flux density at the Ecological Society of America conference in Portland, OR.
- Collaborated with state and academic partners to develop a graduate project studying tree physiology.
Bachelor of Science Degree | The Evergreen State College | Natural Resource Management | June 2022
- Studied advanced science topics including forest and soil ecology, ornithology, and GIS.
- Collaborated with international partner (The Nature Conservancy) to develop a quantitative capstone project studying forest soil carbon.
- Presented capstone undergraduate research at the Ecological Society of America conference in Montreal, Quebec, Can., and the Northwest Scientific Association in Bellingham, WA.
Associate Degree | Tacoma Community College | Graduated 2015
- Focused on math, economics, and natural sciences including forestry economics, accounting statistics, calculus (300+), and atmospheric science.
Professional Experience
2023-present | US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station | Research Associate (formerly Data Management Technician)
I scan, digitize, and inventory hard copy data for the US Forest Service to produce useful databases for future researchers. I started this work on a project for the Mount Saint Helens Institute processing stream, wildlife, and vegetation data. The quality of my work led to an offer for an extension at the PNW Research Station as a Forest Service Volunteer, funded through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) fellowship.
2022-present | Evergreen State College & WSU Puyallup Research Extension Center | Agricultural Research Technologist II
After graduating from Evergreen in 2022, I was told about this position that launched me back into school. My work has mostly involved managing multiple Campbell Scientific datalogger networks for sap flux monitoring, but as we move into more stable weather patterns I'm beginning to interface with more data, develop R programs that reduce processing time, and build conference presentations to disseminate our results. The project I'm working on is a collaborative study between the Washington State Department of Ecology, Department of Natural Resources, Washington State University, and The Evergreen State College and seeks to elucidate the impacts of trees on storm water runoff by generating a rigorously derived hydrologic dataset for common trees in the northwest, as well as improved methods for monitoring. This experience has been incredibly enriching so far and I'm so happy to work with Dylan Fischer, Ani Jayakaran, and several other esteemed academics and practitioners.
2019-2020 | US Ecology (formerly National Response Corporation) | Emergency Response Technician II
Working with US Ecology was an enlightening experience for my career path. Although I enjoy work that can be physically demanding, this position put my body and mental health to the test. The nature of emergency response is highly unpredictable so there were some weeks that I worked over one-hundred hours, followed by a week of less than 20 hours that all occurred before sunrise. Some jobs were light and long, others were heavy and short, and many were somewhere in between. Although I learned a lot about communication, project safety, and my personal boundaries, the position became too stressful during the pandemic, so I decided to return to school to develop my work experience into actionable knowledge.
2019 | Northwest Green, LLC. | Manager
After my time with the WCC, I struggled to find work that met the same standard for professional development and continued education. A family friend had recently experienced a tragedy and asked me to help manage her late-husband's landscaping company while she went through the process. I would like to say that I took the job just to help out, but I think I took away as much benefit from the experience as she did. This position allowed me to apply my skills in land management in a different arena and taught me about contract negotiation and budget management, and project management with more personnel doing unique tasks than I had supervised in the WCC, all while providing an all-star customer service experience. The position was extremely challenging and I learn the most in those environments, but I found another opportunity in environmental services that I couldn't pass up.
2016-2019 | Washington Conservation Corps (Americorps) | Washington State Department of Ecology | Assistant Supervisor, Administrative Intern
The Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) is a job training program aimed at producing leaders in the environmental sector. Crews throughout Washington State provide services to governmental sponsors and non-profit organization partners for land management, ecological restoration, and sometimes fisheries science. As a crew member, I learned a lot about recreational land management, restoration ecology, and environmentalcontrol implementation. These themes continued when I accepted a position as the administrative intern (non-Americorps), in addition to teaching me about intergovernmental collaboration, project management, and database curation. As the assistant supervisor, I found success leading a team by striving to be inclusive, always doing the right thing, and never pretending to know more than I did. I credit this experience as the catalyst that motivated me to go back to school and study something I was truly curious and passionate about, that would have a lasting impact on my community.
Funding Awards
2021-2022 | Pleneurethics Society | Composed literature research on the influence of the outdoors on happiness and personal health | $5,000
2021-2022 | All Nations Alliance for Minority Participation | Opportunity for Indigenous people | $6,700
2022 | Northwest Scientific Association | Undergraduate Research Grant | $750
2022 | Ecological Society of America | Travel Grant | $600
August 2024 | Ecological Society of America | Long Beach, California
Effects of tree size on sap flux velocity of common street tree species in a temperate urban rainforest (Contributed talk)
August 2023 | Ecological Society of America | Portland, Oregon
Sap flux seasonality and timing of four common native species in a temperate rainforest in Puget Sound (Poster)
March 2023 | Northwest Scientific Association | Bellingham, Washington
How does adaptive forest management for old growth characteristics influence soil carbon dynamics? (Poster)
August 2022 | Ecological Society of America & Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution | Montreal, Quebec, Canada
How does adaptive forest management for old growth characteristics influence soil carbon dynamics? (In-person talk)
March 2022 | Northwest Scientific Association | Remote
How does adaptive forest management for old growth characteristics influence soil carbon dynamics? (Virtual talk)
2021-present | Ecological Society of America | Student Member
2021-2023 | Northwest Scientific Association | Student Member